The word 'Sipor' in Hebrew directly translates to mean 'A Story', and boy is there a story!

A medical mystery with one of my kids,
A 12 hour flight sitting next to a psychiatrist,
One intro to wheel throwing class,
and a whole bunch of little pieces falling into place, have led me to where I am now. Full time mom of 4 boys, part time ceramic artist and teacher - I am truly living the dream.

**The quite tired, often overwhelmed, super busy, and always grateful, dream. The one where wiping clay off of my shoes and pee off of toilet seats is a good thing!**

Some of my favorite parts of being a ceramic artist are the community that I have become a part of, the friends I have made and the fulfillment I have found from this creative outlet, that has filled me in a way nothing else has. While I can easily carry a conversation with a brick wall, forming true connection with new, hobby, professional small batch or production potters - and everyone in between! - has been a true joy.

I hope you love what you see here, your support - even just in the form of a kind word - means the world to me! And if it tickles your fancy, I hope you say hi! Welcome to the Sipor Ceramics Family!

XO, Tzipporah